Job Searching Resources
Careers & Salaries
- Career One Stop Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. To learn about various occupations, click on “Explore Careers.” To view salary data, click on “Salary + Benefits.”
- Simply Hired Salary Calculator Enter job title, a zip code or city and receive fast information on job salaries.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook A nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives. The Handbook is revised every two years.
Local Listings
- Chicago Tribune
- Craigslist Southland Chicago Jobs
- Jobs2Careers
- IllinoisJobLink Job Seekers set up a user profile so the database can match skills with available jobs.
- Illinois Job Network Registration not necessary to view job postings, however, registration can help connect you to companies looking for your skills.
- Illinois Jobs You can view jobs at this site. You can also set up a profile and make your resume available to potential Illinois employers.
Job Listings: National
- A Mega Search across many job banks.
- A resume distribution service. Post your resume and have it sent to up to 87 top job sites.
- The number one source for Hourly Employment
Local Career Events
- Illinois Job Network Career events are shown next to the calendar found in the center of the website.
- The Illinois Department of Employment Security
Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interview Tips
- 5 Tips for Better Resume Writing for Dummies
- Job Interview
- Illinois WorkNet – Prepare Your Resume
- The Vault: Sample Resumes and Cover Letters
- Keirsey Temperament Sorter II A 70 question personality instrument to discover your personality type and find your best career fit.
- Live Career A one-stop resource recognized by Forbes, CNET, Business Insider, Mashable, The New York Times, and Indeed.
- Minnesota State CAREERwise Interest Assessment An assessment of your skills that takes about 5-10 minutes. After you complete the assessment, the ISEEK tool will generate a list of occupations that match your profile.
Social Media Tools for Networking
- Linkedin LinkedIn revolves around building professional relationships. Executives from all Fortune 500 companies use it. Go to this site to create your Linkedin profile at no cost. Unlike offline copies of your resume, it is standard to include a picture of yourself as part of your online resume on LinkedIn. There is no cost to create a user account.
- Vitae An online career hub dedicated to those who work in academic environments. There is no cost to create a user account.